
How do I become a member?

What types of memberships are there?

We have two types of members – wacky and not-so-wacky.  Seriously, members that ride and participate in riding events, clinics, and trail rides, are active members.  Those that wish to be members for meetings and social events only are non-active members.

Are there any prerequisites to becoming a member?

The only requirement is that active members must have an Alberta Equestrian Federation (AEF) membership.  The reason for this is that AEF membership includes Capri Insurance coverage.

Non-active members do not require AEF membership.

Do I need to fill out a membership form?

Yes, a membership form must be completed.  It is available from the Docs & Forms section.  Complete it, and mail or email it to the addresses on the Contact Us page.

When does the membership expire?

Memberships expire at the end of the calendar year – December 31st.  A new membership form must be completed each year along with the yearly fee paid.

Can I try a ride before becoming a member?

Yes, you can participate in one event to see if what we do interests you.  In other words, if a scheduled ride is over a weekend you would be welcome for the entire weekend, not just one day’s ride.  After your experimental ride you are required to become a member to participate further.

A waiver must be signed before the ride, and a medical information card completed and carried on your person during the ride (this material can be found in the Links & Docs section).

Note that this once-in-a-lifetime option is to allow a rider to experience what we do, not a free ride once-per-riding-season.

Am I allowed to attend board meetings?

Any SATRA member in good standing is certainly allowed to attend a board meeting.  Please note the following:

  • Board meetings are normally held during the fall, winter, and spring months.
  • Members observing a board meeting can make a presentation and participate in the discussion about their presented topic, but otherwise are observers and may not participate in the voting.
  • Presentations must be submitted well ahead of time to be included in the agenda.
  • Board meeting dates can vary, and then change after having been initially set, depending on board member availability.
  • If you would like to attend please use the contact form on this website to learn when a meeting is to be held.  By informing us of your interest you can be contacted if there’s a date or venue change.
  • If you would like to participate more fully in the governance of this club then consider becoming a board member.
When is the club’s Annual General Meeting held?

According to our bylaws the AGM must be held before March 1st of each year.  Accordingly, the AGM is scheduled on one of the last two weekends of February.  All members are encouraged to attend to hear a progress report from the board, and this is an excellent time to renew your membership if you haven’t already done so.